Exercise Rehabilitation

Aches, Pains and Recurring Injuries


Have you spent months (or even years) just ‘living with’ chronic aches and pains?
Are you struggling through an injury that just keeps on coming back, no matter what you do?

You don’t have to.

Move over pain killers, the new kid is in town! The rehabilitation process for chronic pain typically involves:

  • A thorough analysis of any lifestyle factors that may be subtly triggering your pain; such as your workplace set up, sitting time, footwear choices, bed quality, and in some cases - your sleep ‘hygiene’ practices, stress management, and beliefs about your pain (because these can contribute too!)

  • A movement screening, keeping in mind key biomechanic principles of movement, to assess for any dysfunctional movement patterns that may be putting your body at undue risk of pain or injury.

  • A musculoskeletal assessment - to identify any postural limitations or areas of muscular imbalance (flexibility and / or strength) which may be putting your body into poor positions, limiting your movement quality and contributing to your symptoms.

  • Corrective exercise - through a combination of stretching, massage, mobility and strength training, to correct any muscular imbalances and return your body to ideal posture.

  • Functional strength and stability training - to improve the ability of the muscles to respond appropriately to the loads placed on the body during everyday activities, fine tune your movement quality, and reduce the chance of injury recurrence.


At KinetEx, we understand that the body is a dynamic system of interconnected units. This means that we look beyond just the area of pain or injury in order to determine any hidden factors, upstream or downstream, which may be contributing to your symptoms. We then prescribe highly specific exercises to reduce your pain, and teach you what you need to know to manage your pain yourself. We may also recommend a workplace assessment to ensure that your workplace activities or workstation ergonomics aren’t promoting your symptoms.


Sick of dealing with chronic aches and pains? Book in for a free, no obligation initial consultation!



At KinetEx, we believe in a collaborative approach to your health.

Click here to see a list of personally tried and tested health professionals that you may wish to consider for your own health journey.