Prices (GST incl.)
Kick Start Goal Setting Session
The “I can do it myself, I just need help getting started” option. This session is intended as a kick start - to help you to make a plan to get where you want to go. We’ll talk goals, overcoming barriers to exercise, and understanding the basic foundations of exercise - the do’s and don’ts - to ensure that you get off to the best possible start, and then keep the ball rolling! Price includes take-home resources to keep you on track.
$49 for a 30-minute consultation (also available via Video call!).
Specialist Exercise Sessions
Casual Sessions or Fixed Term Programs available
All Specialist Exercise Sessions are 1-on-1 and highly personalised to your individual needs.
Casual Sessions: For those who want intermittent check-in sessions.
$45 (30 minutes) / $70 (60 minutes)
The “keep me on track” option: A fixed-term program (4-10 weeks) at a session frequency of your choice.
1 x session per week = $50 for 45 minutes / $65 for 60 minutes
2 x sessions per week = $99 for 45 minutes /$125 for 60 minutes
3 x sessions per week = $145 for 45 minutes / $180 for 60 minutes
With a 10-week plan, you will receive a free reassessment session to evaluate your progress at the end of the 10 weeks. Please note that the weekly cost is fixed to the prices above on this plan.
For those with complex medical histories, pain conditions, or who just want to receive the best of the best!
Clinical Exercise Physiologists are committed to creating gold standard exercise and lifestyle programs. This starts with a quality assessment. The assessment will involve a thorough health history, taking into account both your medical information and your current lifestyle. You will also undergo several physical assessments (i.e. flexibility, fitness, strength, muscle function, balance, posture) to determine your needs within the exercise program. This may include communication with other relevant health professionals involved in your care if desired.
From this, you will receive a highly personalized exercise (and lifestyle) prescription based on the information gained from the assessment. You will be guided through each of the exercises and provided with a program to keep. It is then up to you whether you continue with further Specialised Exercise Sessions, or complete your exercises independently.
Initial Assessment + Program Design: $199
Clinical Assessment & Program Design
When what you really need is just someone to hold you accountable to completing your program! You will recieve an individualised online spreadsheet to fill out each time you complete your exercises, which I will then monitor remotely. This will then be followed up with a brief phone call every week to keep you on track.
Price: $29 per week for online program monitoring and check-in phone calls.
Accountability Program
Workstation Assessment
Eliminate the poor postures reinforced by a badly set up work place. We will make adjustments to your desk, chair, computer and office accessory set up, taking into account the biomechanics of your body and the correct angles at each of the major joints.
For full details, check out the Workstation Ergonomics Assessment.
Price: $99
Add on an information sheet + show through session with key exercise recommendations to help you combat pain and improve your posture! Price: $129